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Forge Retail presents – The Future of Delivery
Rapidly evolving customer expectations are driving disruption across the supply chain at breakneck speed. Nowhere is change happening quicker than in delivery. New technologies, strategies, and tactics are reshaping the industry – for both startups and retailers. Players who understand this changing market have an opportunity to delight and better serve their customers, who are quickly embracing these changes.
Join us for our next Showcase event as we speak with industry leaders and insurgents about the latest innovations in delivery technologies, including quick commerce pioneers, autonomous delivery solutions, and
automated supply chain enablers.
Showcase Agenda:
*All times listed below are in ET
11:00 AM – 11:10 AM | Introduction to the future of delivery landscape
11:10 AM – 11:55 AM | Fireside chat with DoorDash - Investing in the Future of Delivery
11:55 AM –
12:25 PM | Latest trends in Q Commerce with Food Rocket and Arive
12:25 PM – 12:55 PM | Autonomous delivery solutions with
Cartken and Zipline
12:55 PM – 1:00 PM | Plotting next steps and how to learn more
Register now to join the session, receive the full recording, and learn about future events.
Fuad Hannon - Doordash, New Verticals
Shanna Prevé - Doordash, VP, Enterprise Sales & BD
Vitaly Alexandrov - Food Rocket, CEO
Stephanie Vehrenkemper - arive, Chief Commercial Officer
Anjali Jindal Naik - Cartken, Co-Founder and COO
Irene Scher - Zipline, SVP, US Sales and Customer Success
Marc-André Kamel - Bain & Company, Partner and Head of Global Retail practice
Aaron Cheris - Bain & Company, Partner and Head of Americas Retail practice
Rishi Roongta - Bain & Company, Expert Partner and founder of Bain Innovation Exchange